Current Immersions are offered through Empowered Essence

a collaboration between Sri Devi Healing Arts + Ashley Flowers Yoga

Upcoming Programs

The Art of Sadhana | A Journey Through the Self, Through the Seasons

Join us for a transformative journey that aligns your practice with the natural rhythms of the seasons. The Art of Sadhana is designed to help you deepen your connection to yourself and the world around you, fostering balance, resilience, and inner peace.

Winter Module — Igniting Your Inner Light (October – December)
Saturdays from 9am – Noon
Oct 12 | Nov 2 | Dec 7
@ Rosement Wellness Center, Portland, ME

As the days grow shorter, this module invites you to turn inward, cultivating the inner warmth and clarity needed to navigate the challenges of winter and the holiday season. Register below.

Spring Module — Emerging Into the Light (January – March)
Saturdays from 9am – Noon
Jan 4 | TBA | Mar 1
@ Rosement Wellness Center, Portland, ME

With the arrival of spring, expand your practice and reconnect with the vibrancy of life, stepping boldly into renewal, growth, and deeper spiritual connection. Registration coming soon.

Each module includes 3 monthly 3 hour workshops, weekly practice support, and a course handbook to support your journey.

Join us to reconnect with your true essence and find in harmony within and without.

or register now